Header Swiss List
Our customer Erika Sos, Aloha Kosmetik

SWISS LIST – The essential presence for every SME

80% of people in Switzerland go online to find out about local businesses, products and services. This is why it has never been more essential for you as an SME to be found on the most important online platforms. SWISS LIST publishes your company profile on local.ch, search.ch, Google and Bing as well as on the map services and navigation systems. Changes to your company profile are centrally managed – we ensure that they are reflected on all connected platforms.

Your advantages with SWISS LIST

More presence. Greater visibility. Centrally managed

  • Be present on the most important online platforms

    Your company profile is published on local.ch, search.ch, Google and Bing as well as on the map services and navigation systems.

  • Be found more easily

    Thanks to complete and consistent information, you are optimally represented on the connected platforms and are easier to find.

  • Centrally managed

    With SWISS LIST, you enjoy the use of a personal customer centre for the central management of your company profile. You can update it any time free of charge. Changes are reflected uniformly across all connected platforms, saving you time and effort.

  • Enhance your profile with relevant additional information – opening hours, additional telephone numbers, email addresses, website, other info (e.g. family-friendly).

SWISS LIST simply explained in under 3 minutes

The right package for everyone

Our advisers will be happy to help you choose the right package to suit your needs. Free consultation

Success through SWISS LIST: This is what our customers say

  • «SWISS LIST helps us to make sure that everything is always up to date and that people know where we are and what the opening hours are.»
    Old Century Tattoo, Werner Businger
  • «Thanks to SWISS LIST, you can find us much faster on search engines and platforms. As a result, we get more orders and enquiries.»
    Drogerie Luig, Peter Luig
  • «You can find my cosmetic studio Aloha quicker with SWISS LIST and know straight away who you are dealing with and when I'm open.»
    Aloha Kosmetik, Erika Sos
Show all

Try it out for free

Don’t wait – register your company now for free.

  • MyWEBSITE – Your standout online presence

    Search engine opti­mised texts, free con­tent updates and a wide choice of tem­plates with numer­ous func­tions to suit your tastes: MyWEB­SITE, the pro­fes­sion­al web­site at a fixed price, has every­thing you need in order to cre­ate a pro­fes­sion­al web­site. Let Switzer­land’s largest full-ser­vice web­site provider cre­ate a web­site for you with pro­fes­sion­al con­tent at a fixed price. You focus on your core busi­ness and we’ll take care of your online presence.

  • MyLOCALINA – The No. 1 online reservation system for restaurants

    MyLO­CALI­NA is the No. 1 online reser­va­tion sys­tem for Swiss gas­tron­o­my. Reserv­ing a table at your estab­lish­ment is eas­i­er than ever and guests can make their book­ing when and where they like. You can eas­i­ly inte­grate MyLO­CALI­NA into a vari­ety of plat­forms (your web­site, Google, local.ch, search.ch), mean­ing that you are book­able every­where. Auto­mat­ic reser­va­tion reminders ensure few­er no-shows. With MyLO­CALI­NA, you have full con­trol over reser­va­tions and guest data and can view or mod­i­fy details any time and any­where. MyLO­CALI­NA is extreme­ly easy to use and saves you valu­able time that you can then use for your guests. Improved use of capac­i­ty, high­er sales, sat­is­fied guests!

  • MyCOCKPIT – Digital appointment and customer management

    Online book­ings are grow­ing in pop­u­lar­i­ty. Not only hotels and flights, but also hair­dress­er appoint­ments, tyre changes and opti­cian appoint­ments, among many oth­ers, are increas­ing­ly being booked online. In the mean­time, 81% of cus­tomers want to be able to book their appoint­ments online at the time of their choos­ing. With MyCOCK­PIT, you can ful­fil your cus­tomers’ wish­es. At the same time, you save valu­able time and improve your cus­tomer retention.

Free advice Help & contact


Are you looking for a telephone number, an address or a company?

Visit us on local.ch or search.ch